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CROPCIRCLE RESEARCHCropcirclepowder (part 1)
At wednesday evening , june 27th of 2007 I read at a message about the latest cropcircle develepments at Bosschenhoofd (the Netherlands). Seeing that inspite of making progress in the field of cropcircle-rechearch I never stood in a cropformation yet, I decide this time to take a chance and go there the next day. When I arrive that Thursday at about five after having been in endless traffic-jams I notice two women in the field. I enter the formation in which they are standing but I don’t really notice a clear energy. Also the way the circle looks like disappoints me. While I strike up an acquaintance with these women my eye catches a small heap of white powder in the middle. I somehow can’t grasp this thing becouse I know that powder in cropformations is an extreme rarity. Upon that there is quite a lot of it… All together a feeling of somebody putting a joke on me comes stealing upon me. Also becouse Robbert van den Broeke who’s reputation is heavily damaged had discovered this formation.
Pretty soon the women go away so that I have the kingdom for my own. I go to the other formation in the same field. I feel, I look, I inspect but I can’t get a grip on the situation. I decide to at least put some of that powder in plastic bag. After all, you never know how a cow catches a hare. Then I make some pictures and after that I make myself comfortable by laying down in one of the two formations that I know of. It must be said that for many years I’m dealing with chronical tiredness disease and normally spoken I would at this moment of the day have been needing a nap. For shure after such a tireing trip of 155 kilometres full of traffic jams and hectical madness but while I’m laying there notice that I’m hardly tired at all. Curious. After a little while of making no sense just laying there I stand up again and notice further on in the field three man standing there. I go to see them. They turn out to be Peter Vanlaerhoven, Robbert van den Broeke and his father. They are standing in a circle that is only just recently discovered.. It is kind of an egg shaped circle in which also powder has been found… While I strike up my aquaintance with these man I notice that I feel exited while I wouldn’t know why. I feel a bit light in the head have a little difficulty to keep my natural rest. Peter and Robbert lit up a sigaret which for some reason I can’t grasp. There’s something strange in the way I percieve things just like the talk that they resume. Hard to explain really. A clear Deja-vu experience makes it all complete. In a very gentle and mild way I have become high without fully being aware of it. We go to the cars in order to exchange adress-cards. Peter goes auguring. Robbert and his father go home. I decide to do some video-recording. It gets crowded when a group of people arrive that are also into ley-lines and similar things. I let Peter make a picture of me in the formation of which I took the powder and by then I feel so incredibly strange that I really have to leave the crop.
At my car I’m shaking on my legs. I feel sick, nearly have to vomit. There is a strong urge to blow. My head is spinning. I feel lost and totaly desoriënted. After about ten minutes of puffing I become strong enough to take place behind the stearing-wheel. When I drive away I am shure of one thing… these formations are definitely real! So, then I had cropcirclepowder. But what the hack? What do you do with it? Go to the next page if you like to know what this mysterious substance could be.
So, then I had cropcirclepowder.