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CROPCIRCLE RESEARCHCropcirclepowder (part 2)
The next Saturday a little party was planned for which I was invided by Roos. It would be a spiritual type of party whereby everybody would do some kind of creative something. Rascha organised it so it took place at Egmond where she lives. Roos and Martin would show up with the house on wheels in order to perform so that a ferry-tale-like day was already garanteed. The specific “somthing” that I would contribute was after my adventure of last Thursday not difficult anymore. To save it as very special I determined not to say anything about it on forehand.
Rascha’s party and the channel with “Oernia”. (by Roos Kanis, july 4th, 2007)The cropcirclepowder was in the middle of the circle. Everybody was sceptical and giggly. Me aswell. Martin did put a little bit on his hand and took a nip of it in his mouth. I didn’t see anything happening with him so I did the same to know for shure that this was just a joke. I took a little out of the little tray and looked at it on my finger. Soon something magical happened. I saw a very bright fluoroscent blue light shining from the powder. As in some kind of ferry-tale movie so magical. The powder turned out to be nearly transparant as if it wasn’t some kind of dusty substance. It was from a very high frequency and radiated a high energy. I dipped a little bit on my tongue and what I left over I rubbed out over my left handpalm. Within seconds a dense feeling went through my handpalm. From there my fingers started to tingle heavily. The place where I rubbed the powder feld heavy and deep. This feeling radiated to my arm till my elbow. My tongue started to tingle aswell and my hart-chackra begun to turn fast so that the kundalinipower in my body was activated. On top of that I feld sick in the stomac, there everything turned around.While this was happening Randell told us that this powder could very well contain the alchemistic gold. According to him the ancient egyptians knew this substance aswell and it played a central role in the high culture of the old dynasties. He thought we had to be very careful with the doses and the effects of it. He didn’t want to play games with it and took his find very serious. He told us what he experienced and feld at the cropformation. The “symptoms” were similar to what I feld at that moment so I begun to tell the group what I was going through.
Nearly everybody was in some kind of an exited state of being. Me too and almost accidentally I said that I would be able to channel just like that. One of the persons of the group said immidiatly; “Let’s do that if every-one agrees”. I became uncertain becouse I wasn’t shure if I could do this with so many people around. I was afraid I would bung up or something. The guy repeated his quest while insisting a little more and asking everybody to join. About half of the people didn’t want to so that a group of eight kind persons remained.Instantly I saw somebody with me who wanted to speak from a differend dimension. She said that the some precoutions for a succesful session were needed to be taken. This could be done by making a decent loving connected circle and proper grounding. Fortunately we had Debora in our midst who was experiënced in the accompanying of lightcircles and also knew how to make a safe protective energy around us so that we could succeed in doing a responsible job. For making a good connection Debora lead us in through guided fantasy involving the earth and cosmic energy which filled our harts with light and love. With opened haerts we were able to connect these with each other by letting our haert-energy flow around leftwards in our circle. The person that appeared to me was at first far above our heads. After having the circle approved she came down soon. I described her as an angellike female energy or being. In a later session she would make herself known as OERNIA.
The frontpage of Randell’s selfmade cropcirclescript shows a formation with a flying creature. Randell immediatly knew to give us some interesting information about this creature. Oernia told us she is a female being. Her round shapes were clearly visible and could remarkebly clearly be feld. She feld as a true ancestral grandmother. Debora asked me if she was mother Maria Magdalena. I said immediatly yes, although I feld that it wasn’t her exactly but the energy was totaly similar. She made with her pretty short and round wings a covering gesture, very nursing and mothersafe.When Oernia had come down she immediatly said that the powder from the cropformation is the mothermilk from the universe. Pre-eminently the food for the soul. We as children of God, lost as human beings in our search for something essential, are due to this mothermilk, as food for further growth. As potential essence in order to evolve to our source, the unlimited endless light and insight to everything and the universe. It is to repair the navelstring with the heavenly source, the highest intelligence that we are connected with. The appearing of this powder certainly has to do with the difficult ascension time which the world is at this period going through.Through a tangle of feelings and generations we are as human beings quite disconnected from our source by a block in our energyhousehold. This powder let the heartchacra turn faster so that the haert will be able to open up again. By this the heartqualities can get brought to service the overall good. She managed with her intension, and for an important part her gesture aswell, to hand over the essential interests of this power. She made me feel by her limitless warmhaerted embracement of mercy, thankfullness and love the power of being connected with eachother. Her gesture and her intension do show an important function of message. By not only expressing her gesture in words only but mainly by totally reflecting the issue that she stands for she shows how essential the gesture is and what right intension means. Everything can be feld and everything is energy. She handed everything over with her energy, gesture and loving words so that it immediatly connects with me what it is that she means. This is part of her message. To do things with the right intension and purity, the heart open and in connection with her, your fellow-creatures and everything that is.This powder is litterally a gift from heaven that wants to help us as human beings to take us to another timefrequency, another dimension. A dimension of which the time has come to evolve to with those who have the capacity for it. Most of the children that are born nowdays do that in this vibration. It is of essential importance that these children get decent guidance and find a environment that fits there life-experience and feelings. There are unfortunatly not enough companions on earth for this while the mainstream energy between people still resonates with the old vibration that conflicts with the new time vibration. This can couse that many children feel misunderstood and get tangled up within themselves. At the sphere where Oernia comes from are many helpers that are delighted to bring energy and beings to earth in order to help us in our proces. By law this can happen in an optimal way when the right conditions are created in the form of good connection and intension. At least for the specific piece that Oernia is talking about. She is mentioning a connection that we as human beings should make instead of going through life as individuals. Also not only connecting as lovers just being lovers. She invites us for a REAL connection with eachother.
She askes us to connect truely with eachother. By at this moment to take eachothers hands as friends, brothers, sisters, humans. She mentions that a man-woman connection is a superconnection. This by the simple fact that it is not without reason that there are man and woman. The connection between these two energies is so miraculous and powerful that this is also a complete energetic story in which naturelaw is concerned. She refers to the original scource. The scource as a cell that we avantually are and that another cell joins. From that point of, by this unity, by this melting together evolves a marvellous human being. This basic thought relates to the energy where we as humans have to get back to. This can only get done by, just like these cells do, making a REAL connection. Without drugs but purely from the connectin with our haerts. The powder opens up our haerts and ables us to real connecting. At the majority of people loads of unsolved rubbish, karma, hidden emotions, fears etc., are in the way. When the haertcentre turns or flows faster these unsolved energies also appear. The haert wants to make place and clean so that further evolving will be possible and that we don’t mass up our children with our rubbish. Therefore, it is possible that by many people this powder will stir up a lot. The use should be done with maximum care and very much policy.It is of great importance that the powder gets used in the right way. It should not be used for purposes as commerciality, rude pusuit of gain, misuse of power etc.. It can be expected that people will show up that are not able to handle this. Such thing is a pity although it can also be understood. When you take a look at the state of consciousness of the average man it can’t directly be blamed this person. Important is to give the right pattern yourself by demonstrating the good intension as a word of resistance against the ignorant fellow. There should be no fight about discord. Every action will finally return to its initiator. A person that puts his energy into misuse of power or those sort of things will meet himself in a very nasty way for sure when we simply follow our virtues and leave him behind in his own cageyness. It might be difficult not to get screwed up about misuse but don’t go angry about it becouse that energy will get feeding from it. Don’t let yourself get taken away from your strenght by such negative influence. Follow your real tracks in a faithfull way and you will soon notice it gets rewarded in a rich manner.About the connection: Go to sit opposite of eachother as a couple, man and woman and make a love connection with the earth and the universe, let love flow through your haert and circulate it mutual. Make a real connection that is not sexual but pure love. With this connection a fantastic cosmic love-energy will arise that firstly is already very healing for the earth, than secondly makes a real navelstring with the universe. You can do this also with a group of course. It is possible to imagine or visualize this navelstring as a beam of light rising up in our universe. As you by now will understand the law of intension has reached you and the power of it is visible and even tangible. With this power of the law of wish and intension you can reach everything. It doesn’t always mean that the intension you have is in harmony with the wish of the universe or the divine plan and therefor also not always harvests the purest results on the whole.
Now we agree that I’m a spirit from our original love nature and you are making a circle in real connection and with the right intension in tune with your pure haert of love in connection with heaven and earth. The ray that arises becouse of the energetic connection is a very complex but at the same time very logical composition that makes it possible to create a fantastic channal, or a doorway to above. (In fact in this context under and above doesn’t really exist but for our visual thinking I describe reaching to above to heaven.) This gate of light is in simplified terms able to go through all the levels that surround the earth. The actual picture is very complex to explain. As a medium I can see and feel the overwhelming complexity but I can hardly put it into words. I’m sure there are people that know more about this. The ray makes it possible that positive energy from the universe and also helpers come down through this portal of light in order to assist us humans on our revolutinairy process of development. In case the portal is clean you attract pure spirits while If your intensions are not pure than impure energies will get attracted.At the field of UFO’s and extra terrestial activities there is also a lot of negative energies involved. That is becouse the people don’t interact from a pure level or don’t live there earthly life in a pure manner. Becouse of their impure interests impure energies are getting attracted. As I describe things could be done in a differend way, but it takes a lot of courage, willpower, love and good intension when you realise how often you will go to sit like instructed in spite of being in harmony with your true lover. For many people it won’t often occur that, free from amorousities and drifts, real meetings happen on this high stage of love that is refered to. In higher love you don’t project the love on somebody else but you can experience such immense much love within yourself so that you are able to release or eventually let go the other. By this you can truely see the other without wanting to posses him or her. In this case the higher love is than born. An understanding to be all one with the universe and being able to be united with your fellowfriend(s) on earth and in harmony with the divine plan. The plan that you have a big love-relation with and therefor you are never alone but all one. The higher love life gives many positive powers and is very salutary for everyone. Oernia invites us to truely connect. There are very many incredible fine lovespirits itching to come down by way of our cords of connection to reach the earth in order to enrich us.
Until so far the (first) channeling as discribed by Roos and translated by me, Randell. Of course there is much more to be said about this remarkable stuff. Except that I take efforts to rechearch this I myself recieve information in connection with this powder aswell. It can be considered and used as a medium itself. I also recieved information about it before I actually discovered the find.
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