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CROPCIRCLE RESEARCHAvebury, may 2008. (part 2)
Did I write part 1 of this formation before I went to Wiltshire, this part 2 is the result of hanging around in the fields down there.That day I decided to take a look at a formation with a tiling-pattern. I studied the map in order to move straight to it but the roads turned out to be privat roads of a local farmer that where closed. I thought I walk around a little and than I will probebly get there too. Unfortunetly every time again it turned out there was no entrance to where I thought the formation should be. In the end my surrounding walk became so wide that I realised I had lost my way. For miles and miles I walked that day. I enjoyed although I got blisters on my feet. I couldn’t find the formation that I searched for but as if an invisible hand had directed me I came out at the Yin Yang formation that after one month could hardly be seen anymore from a distance.Except that I know now how oilseed looks like when it is nearly ripe for harvesting I did another discovery that seems to be a wonderful confirmation of things I had written in relation to the earthfault.The case is that the formation is grafted on a tramline. As is clearly visible it runs trhough the three centers. Becouse tramlines appear to play a role of importance more often I took a good look to where this line directed to. In one direction it disappeared into nothingness. To the other direction it turned out that when you would lengthen the track through the next areas you would come out at Stone Avenue. It is the famous street of meghalitic stones that connects with Avebury. It is a very fascinating street where the dolmen (if I may call them so) each seem to have its own secred story. The imaginary line doesn’t only come out at the avenue, it also points out one stone in particular…
At the picture above it can be seen the Yin Yang formation is lined out to Stone Avenue. Altough it is not to clear a greenish track reaches towards the distance. This is the fullgrown tramline in which extention the meghalitic stone can be found.
The next pictures give the opposite direction from of Stone Avenue.The formation can’t really be recognised but the track in combination with the groves assure us of the exact location. What we are getting to see if we take a closer inspection to this stone is a typical faultline in the shape of a moonsickle...
This find in the stone matches exactly with the fault in the formation except that it is smaller of course. Needless to say that I experienced this discovery as a confirmation of idea’s that I had published earlier about the formation. (part 1) In particular the thought of a fault that has to do with the earthquake in China.
Another angle of explaining about the faultline and in fact the whole formation is given to me
by my dear cosmic friend and brother Chris who seems to be even more connected with the cropcirclefenomenon than
I do.