self reflecting ©
cropcircle research
Waylands Smithy, may 2009.
© picture: Steve Alexander
A particular sensational formation is "the jellyfish". Although the image shows,
as usual within the cropcirclephenomenon, an abstract geometrical configuration, it is obvious
enough that a jellyfish wants to be expressed. Actually, due to the lack of water in this cropfield
it looks to me more jolly than jelly, making it to a jollyfish so to speak.
When I read the reactions on cropcircleconnector that appeared immediately after
its discovery I was surprised by the interesting astronomical and astrofysical idea's that were
found. It seemed to make sense indeed, but I was nevertheless left with the feeling there had to be more.
Reflecting on the astrofysical comparison with the earth magnetic field that looks
more or less like a jellyfish, one could ask why the circlemakers didn't directly choose for the image of the
magnetic field? Taking the tentacles in considderation it becomes obvious that the image really wants
to get the idea of a jellyfish across. After all, no smooth magnetic contour-lines can be seen. It are
the tentacles that do it. They are an exception on the geometry.
Links: Het aard magnetisch veld onder invloed van zonnewind.© K Endo Rechts:
Een kwal.
Apart from the typical tentacles you can also reason towards the other direction,
meaning that there is not a real jellyfish expressed but one that is tending towards geometrical
abstraction. Becouse of these geometrical shapes associations can be made with eclipses and meaningfull
numbers. So, it would also be discreditive to hold the formation for only a symbol. The different
interpretations seem to have their value.
De avebury spinneweb, © foto; Lucy Pringle
At the first viewing of this jellyfishformation it stroke me that I could find the
Avebury spiderweb from 1994 back into it. I'm still not shure if this is all real, becouse I had just
started writing an article about this Avebury web a few days before which is a little weird anyway
concidered all the years that have past in the meantime. And than there appears this hat of the jellyfish,
that dome, that funny umbrella of the same rare type of shape as the spidersweb!
The avebury spidersweb combines to my opinion two essential idea's. One is the concept
of karma. The other is singularity. The reasons for that can be read in the avebury essay that I was
producing the few days prior to the jellyfish appearance. (still to be published, sorry!)
Anyway, this corresponding element not only than inserts the idea of 'karma' to this
analyses, it also adds the astrophisical idea of singularity to the other astrophisical idea's that
were already found.
Now, before getting lost in this umbrella aspect, I would like to come forward with
the idea's that stand for the jellyfish as a symbol. I haven't read to much about the metaphysical
interpretation yet while I feel I'm on top of a very inspiring bunch of information. So, it seems to
me to let it all out.
Symbol for torment.
As far as I'm concerned the jellyfish is about torment, vex. I think that the jellyfish as a symbol
will become extra relevant in the time we are going through right now. As if we are to meet more and more
jellyfishes on our transformation journey towards the near end of 2012. As if the jellyfish aspect in our
existance has become activated and that we collectively have to learn to deal with it.
Confronting the momentary phase of global developments in wich humanity finds itself,
more and more irritations or situations of torment can easily appear. In practice it will most commonly
be about learning to let go all sorts of attachements. These can vary from material possesions to
claiming to be right.
On top of this there is a interesting phonetic resemblance between 'jellyfish' and
both 'jealousy' and 'selfish'. The combination of jealousy and selfish seems to make jellyfish (or
jealousyfish as you wish). So from this angle it becomes clear that having to let go of attachements
concerning close relationships can aswell easily be the case.
So, we may learn to deal with selfish jealousy. Initially, it doesn't matter to much
if it is about hidden jealousy or recognised jealousy. But as soon as jealousy gets recognised than it
becomes apparent that it needs the kind of treatment that gives it its proper place.
Many people find jealousy or selfishness a negative thing and therefore an unwelcome
something. So, they develop a tendency to push it beside or act as if it does not exist. Nature teaches
us that such a tendency does not really work. In fact it often turns out to couse misery in the shape of
disease or conflicts.
Is one able to acknowledge the selfish jealousy, than that will work out as an
advance towards release. It makes us more honest with our selves so that it becomes easiër to direct
the energy in a creative and positive way.
For many people, I presume it will be difficult to understand, but all the tormenting
processes that we are all together going through contain very much steering from a higher level of
existance. When you see it as a worldwide influence to selfconfrontation, than it will be easiër for
you to go through it. As a matter of fact, it is about safety and protection in the end.
Only by working on the cultivation of our character, our own personal one in
the first place of course, we can hope that the world transforms to a place of real peace and safety.
It makes no sense whatsoever to lean backwards in a passive way to wait for better times to come (or
ufo's to land and invite us to other planets or whatever).
Waiting for a transformed world to come and take over as long as influences from outside
are still able to tricker our peace of mind will turn out to be foolishness.
Transformation needs it that
we ourselves face our situations and respond to them in the best way we can. In other words, it is not
so much getting transformed as it is actively transforming ourselves by making the right decisions. If we
come out of the processes in a damaged way or with a big smile depents totally on our selves.

left: Rough Hill © photo: Russell Stannard
right: Yatesbury © photo: Steve Alexander
As a little extra, I add two pictures of formations that seem to be related to our
jellyfish as if the same artist is behind it. I conclude so by the elements used to shape the images,
the strong level of figurative expression and also the theme which seem to be "nature". Another
indication they have to do with each other is that the formations with there outstanding character
appeared relatively soon after each other.
Although images like these wouldn't misstand in a childrensbook about ferrytales,
I have a strong feel about them that they are symbols that have to do with love and lust. As I have
been analising and working with dreams for many years, I can only be convinced about this.
So, may these formations inspire us to be natural, tender, and loving, in harmony
with all that is...