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(update; december 2011)

Westwood Hay, Inkpen, 2011
What can a cropformation that is produced by a team of makers with ropes and planks still mean for the desillusioned public? In the way I approach the Inkpen formation here, as a vehicle for insights that hopefully contribute to again a substancial piece of expanding awareness.

(update; september 2011)

Honeystreet 2011
It is comical to observe how people from all the corners of our globe sometimes dive immediatly onto a new cropcircle-code in order to crack it. Then next, sad but true, non of them come up with a convincing clue or a proper direction. It happens more than often.
But with me, (and I'm sorry, I really need this of my chest) it is differend. I happen to generate close to objective answers when it comes to the questions about cropcircle-meanings. Also in this case, I pretend to have understood essential secrets more than anyone else. This with exception of the anonymous designer of course. I bow for him or her in awe.
silbury hill 2011 (part 2)
In the second part of commenting on this formation I do a very precise investigation into comparing it with the wallpainting of Doel. It seems like some sort of a complementairy design in many ways. Very funny when it also seems to tell about marriage...


(update; may 2011)

silbury hill 2011 (part 1)
Wiltshires second cropformation of this year seems to have similarity with a wallpainting that I gave as a present for the goshttown of Doel in Belgium. Can we speak of coïncidence or not? I still find it hard to tell. Even after reading my own article...


(update; september 2010)

It was a mad cropcircle-season this year. Seen a lot of strife about convictions. Reason enough for these warriors to come to introsection I would say. But than again, everybody his or her issue's, I think to myself. As long as I introspect myself, it will be good as it is.
In spite of everything I had remarkable adventures again. My trip to North Yorkshire was one of them.

Sutton Bank 2010
Sutton Bank is a location in North Yorkshire where at the foot of the bank a cropformation had appeared that has untill now not been given to much attention. I hope my efforts will change that. The design and idea's behind the intruiging one turned out to be absolutely worthwhile!


(update; may 2010)

The Wilton Windmill keybunch-formation 2010
Driven by a force that made me do it again, I have come to what I concider the best interpretation of our brandnew Wilton Windmill formation untill now. It's gonna have to be a champion codecracker who's to beat me! So, fasten your seatbelts, please! Here we go...


(update; april 2010)

A marvellous formation interpretation indication is your part. Again, it took long to present you this one. Reason is that I gave priority to writing a book about the phenomenon of phenomenons. It's at the stage of having to get published now. But when published, it'll be in Dutch, my poor English dependent friends...
So, if anyone understands the importance of my work and would like to translate into English, please contact me. I find translating by myself kind of a waste of time concidered the fact I could use that same time for doing the reachearch itself.
In the meantime, enjoy the exciting new article of the dragonfly that I did translate:

The Yatesbury Dragonfly 2009
This amazing formation seem to have multilayered meanings to it, as so many cropformations often do. Read about the vibrations of love that I concider essence of the beautiful transformer. And smile!


(update; june 2009)

So it took exactly one year to update. I have no idea where time stays. Can't beat it, no matter how I try. Nevertheless, I do make progress now and then. Therefor I'm proud to present you two more articles. Please, swallow!

Avebury Stone Avenue (part II)
This second part of the Avebury Stone Avenue article reflects my worthwhile findings from being at the spot itself. If you hadn't read the first part then do so first! (See update june 2008 below)

The Jolly Jellyfish
The jolly jellyfish is a very remarkable story about the kind of difficulties you are never in.


(update; june 2008)

Within a short period of time a lot has happened. No matter how strange it (still) may sound; the last update seemed to have given rise to the appearance of a new formation!!! Becouse of that the article about the Stantonbury Hill formation now has a part 2 attached to it.

Stantonbury Hill 2007 (part II)

The formation that shows an astonishing synchronicity with information from the last update gets attention in this Avebury 2008 article:

Avebury 2008

The third article treats the Hat Gate Cottage formation of 2007 wich is also connected to the Stantonbury Hill formation.

Hat Gate Cottage 2007

Finally, I know it's a bit crazy, you can now read the introduction to this whole cropcircle website. Translating isn't exactly my favourit job so that's why you had to wait these few months. Who knows, maybe one day all of my articles can be read in English...



(update; may 2008)

Stantonbury Hill 2007 (part I)


(update; januari 2008)

"Cropcirclepowder I" tells about the finding of the mysterious powder while "Cropcirclepowder II" is about the channeling about and with it.

Cropcirclepowder I
Cropcirclepowder II


(update; october 2007)

Yes! Finally some articles translated in English! Actually, no more than two yet, but more will follow.

  Hackpen Hill 2003
  Bournemouth 2007